Win Worley: Tactics for deliverance, Beginners

In this Video, Wen Worley explains basic tactics in Spiritual Warfare. This is an old recording but he certainly is a real brother in Christ Jesus.

These old teachings can NOT be lost or go to waste. Please share and save these old teaching that are being lost daily.

Peter Horrobin – Sexual Immorality, Deliverance – Pt. 1 & 2

Peter Horrobin fields questions related to sexual immorality and deliverance – issues such as soul ties, family curses, forgiveness, the authority of the believer, and demonic strongholds.

Peter Horrobin continues fielding questions related to issues surrounding sexual immorality and deliverance. Peter talks about issues such as soul ties, family curses, forgiveness, the authority of the believer, and demonic strongholds.

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